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Wright Hybrid C-130 Fit Check: Success!

As reported in FlightGlobal, Wright was at an Air Force base last week alongside senior NASA technical staff, conducting a fit check for the hybridization of the C-130 aircraft. The purpose was to evaluate the implementation of a hybrid-electric C-130 modification using Wright’s 2.5 MW WM2500 electric engine. The fit check was successful.  

A hybrid C-130 has benefits to the Department of Defense and commercial operators. For the DoD, continuous electrical power at high altitude enables advanced radar and Counter-Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (c-UAS) capabilities. 

For commercial operators, a hybrid C-130 improves efficiency and reduces fuel burn. A trio of NASA studies from the past six months conclude: 

Hybrid C-130 - One Potential Configuration
On the strength of these studies, Wright and NASA were invited to an Air Force base to line up the WM2500 with the engine pod of a C-130. The purpose was to confirm that there would be sufficient room inside the engine pod for the WM2500. We confirmed there would be enough space.

In the image below, which was captured during the test, the WM2500 is in front, connected to a C-130 gearbox. Behind it is the engine pod (known as a nacelle), with the gearbox visible through the top-right yellow cut-out. 
Wright CTO Colin Tschida speaking with C-130 experts
With the fit check confirmed, we will next conduct further detailed studies, including evaluating how aircraft systems such as bleed air could be modified to accommodate a hybrid-electric system. Thank you to the Air Force and NASA teams who contributed to this effort. 
Thank you and have a great week. 

Jeff and Team Wright
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