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Wright at ARPA-E Summit Next Week - Stop by Our Booth!

Wright will be at the ARPA-E Summit next week in Washington, DC. We will present our WM2500 Electric Aircraft Engine, Dynamo Tactical Generator + Start Cart, and Ultra-Lightweight Battery programs. If you would like to connect in person, we would be thrilled to meet. Feel free to reply to this email. 

Also we are doing a Tech Demo on Monday at 6:30pm at Booth 1220. We would be happy to see you then, too! 

Members of the Wright team: Anup, Phil, Ethan, Andrew, Harry, and Earl, with the WM2500 Motor and four WV250 Inverters. Click on the image to watch the motor in action. 
The Wright Dynamo 30 kW Tactical Generator + Aircraft Start Cart

Updates from Wright at NEAT

Wright is at NASA’s Electric Aircraft Testbed (NEAT). The Wright and NASA teams have been working closely the past few months installing equipment in preparation of testing later this month.

NASA NEAT is the world’s preeminent testbed for high altitude testing of electric aircraft engines. NASA recently upgraded the facility to support multi-megawatt power levels, enabling testing of Wright's industry leading WM2500 Electric Aircraft Engine.  

We are grateful to work with the great team at NASA NEAT!

We hope to see some of you at Booth 1220 at the ARPA-E Summit next week. Thank you and have a great week.  

Jeff and Team Wright
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