Wright WM2500 Electric Aircraft Engine Powered Up!
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Wright WM2500 Is Assembled and Spinning Freely!

Wright's second generation megawatt-class motor, WM2500, built with support from DOE ARPA-E and NASA, is spinning freely! We finished final assembly last week. 

WM2500 is a 2.5 megawatt (3,300+ horsepower) electric aircraft engine targeted for industry leading power and power density. It is designed to replace the engine core of a jet engine, enabling current airplanes to become electric. It works with ducted fan and propeller-based aircraft, and it forms the core of our C-130 hybrid-electrification program (see white paper here).  

2.5 MW of shaft power is important because it's what's needed to power aircraft with 100+ passengers. These larger aircraft account for greater than 90% of the carbon and noise footprint of the aerospace industry, so electric engines of this size are a crucial building block for decarbonizing aerospace. 

In terms of next steps with WM2500, we will conduct testing at our laboratory in Albany, NY, before heading to NASA's NEAT facility for altitude chamber testing. We'll then conduct propulsion test stand testing and then move to aircraft ground and flight testing. 

If you would like to receive a unit for evaluation, please reply to this email. Kudos to the team on this incredible achievement! 

ARPA-E and NASA Visit Wright Lab
We were thrilled to host ARPA-E and NASA's electric propulsion teams at our Albany, NY, headquarters earlier this week. ARPA-E and NASA are leading the world in the development and support of next generation aerospace technologies. We were honored to have their experts at our lab, providing guidance to our engineers. 
Wright Dynamo Demo December 17
Wright is conducting a demonstration of the Dynamo compact 30 kW generator & aircraft start cart on December 17th in Florida. If you are connected to the DoD and would like to join in person or remotely, feel free to reply to this email. 
Wright at CES January 7-10 Las Vegas
Wright was selected to be highlighted in the ARPA-E booth at the Consumer Electronics Show in early January in Las Vegas, NV. If you are attending and would like to meet up, feel free to reply to this email. 
Thank you and have a great week. 

Jeff and Team Wright
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